Welcome To ParadiseSoon.com

- Your Resource for Encouraging Gifts!

We all know how much it means to us to receive a card, saying, "I was thinking of you & keeping you in my prayers" or "You will never know how much you mean to me". Or when we received a little trinket one of the times, we went to Pioneer School or some other spiritual occasion.

We also, know that times are rough & that everyone in the congregation is going thru stress, health problems or some other big challenge to them. Isn't it loving to look after each one of our Brothers & Sisters to encourage and to reinforce their determination to stay strong spiritually?

Doing so, will build strong congregations as we get closer to the end of this system.

The Bible reminds us that "there is more happiness in giving then there is in receiving." Plus, when we give of ourselves to encourage others, we help ourselves and become stronger spiritually.

However, sometimes finding that perfect card or little gift, to encourage or remind them to "hang in there" or to say "I love you" can be a challenge.

Therefore, we set out to put together such a resource. Hopefully, you will find it just as valuable as we do.